Published in June 2018 at  AvA Musical Editions

Also available at:: June Emerson (UK)

Required piece at the Juvenile Category of the "Terras de la Salette" Wind Instruments International Competition 2019at the Infant category of the 1st APTE Competition (Portuguese Tuba and Euphonium Association) (2019) and at the Juvenile Category of the 2nd APTE Competition (Portuguese Tuba and Euphonium Association) (2020)

Ca. 6' 30''

Four pieces for euphonium and piano, quite easy, written within Fand e'

This piece was thought to be played on the B flat side of the Horn. This characteristic allows this piece to be idiomatically played on a Trombone or on an Euphonium like the Low Horn Suite no.1 and no.2.

Parts available in Bass Clef (in C) and Treble Clef (in Bb) 


 (ca. 1'10'') 


As the title says, the 1st movement is a fanfare, with emphasis on the perfect fifth music interval played both staccato and legato.


(ca. 1'33'') 

On the second movement, the idea of a rainbow appears because nearly every two bars the chords are changing, passing twice through all the different keys following a circle of fifths. This is an ideal piece to work on all the different notes in legato with emphasis on the arpeggios.

(ca. 1'33'') 

In the third movement we will travel to Marrakech. The bars 21-24 can be played optionally an octave higher. On the pedagogical point of view, it is also a good piece to work on the 1•2 & 2•3 fingering alternation and how to use the 3rd finger as an alternative fingering for 1•2.

(ca. 2') 

Finally, a Chromatic Blues to work on the left-hand fingers, that increases the number of notes rhythmical speed every 12 bars. Intentionally were used notes with the same fingerings using the 3rd and 4th overtones as a starting point. (b.3 & 7; 15 & 17; 27 & 31)

Play along available here: